Opening 09.09.
On the occasion of Various Others 2022, Galerie Christine Mayer presents an exhibition by experimental film legend Kenneth Anger (*1927) and painter Hans-Jörg Mayer (*1955).
SCORPIO RISING is Kenneth Anger’s most famous film. Hans- Jörg Mayer was born under the astrological sign of Scorpio. A star by HJM composed of eight neon tubes is called LUZIFER. “LUCIFER” is also tattooed on K.A.’s chest. K.A. has the largest collection of Aleister Crowley’s psychedelic paintings, which inspired HJM to create images of the volcanic Hegau landscape in southern Germany where he grew up. Etc...
Life is always infected by death and vice versa. The destructive and furious Hindu goddess KALI can only be appeased when her mate throws himself under her stomping feet. After the zombie apocalypse, the goddess, whose color symbolizes the void, fulfills the wishes of her followers.
“CH-CH-CHANGES...” (David Bowie)
80538 München